About the FNMRA


•    Have you ever been faced with a regulatory decision that you wanted to discuss with another experienced regulator so that you could come up with a comprehensive solution?

•    Have you ever needed a database you could check to see if a potential licensee/registrant has had disciplinary action taken against him/her?

•    Has an ND ever applied for licensure/registration in your jurisdiction, and you were not sure you had all the background information you needed regarding her/him?

•    Have you ever needed summary information about the scope of practice in other jurisdictions but did not have the time or resources to do the research?

•    Have you ever wondered if a continuing medical education course met the high standards set by your Board?

These are all issues that the Federation of Naturopathic Medicine Regulatory Authorities would like to help your organization address.  The Federation’s mission will be accomplished by continuing to develop this informational website, by providing a forum for members to discuss regulatory issues, by creating a disciplinary database of practitioners, and by a resourceful staff who can help you address the challenges you face. 

The FMNRA’s mission is to protect the public by connecting regulatory authorities and promoting standards of excellence in the regulation of naturopathic medicine in North America.

The FNMRA envisions a coordinated regulatory system for naturopathic medicine throughout North America.

public protection
standards of excellence

Funding Sources

The FNMRA receives membership dues from the participating regulatory authorities.

The North American Naturopathic Continuing Education Accreditation Council (NANCEAC) is a service run by the FNMRA. Fees collected from NANCEAC-accredited continuing education providers support that program directly.

The FNMRA is a 501c6 nonprofit corporation.

Board of Directors

President:Rebecca Mitchell, California Naturopathic Medicine Committee

Secretary: Mary-Beth Baptista, JD, Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine

Treasurer: Mary-Beth Baptista, JD, Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine

Administrator In-Charge: Shannon Braden, ND, North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners Executive Director

General Board member: Rachel Phipps, Board of Naturopathy Washington State


Program Director: Cindy La Marr
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